
Don’t ever give up

Take this home!

Repeat this ten times over!


Hello readers!

I told myself I’d go to bed early so I’d get up early to study. School has been SO hard and so difficult. I’ve never felt so helpless and defeated in my life. Yesterday I freaked out for about an hour. Thinking about the amount of work that I had to do and the two exams on Tuesday and Wednesday threw me into a panic. I never really was a person to turn to the Bible. To be honest, I’m the type of person  to rely on myself. I’ve realized that I can’t rely on myself. As much as I like to think I’m invincible I’m just a overly-emotional teenage girl.

As soon as I opened my Bible my eyes went to a verse I underlined heavily in red. It reads, “But David found strength in the LORD his God.”

Words mean a whole world to me because I take most things literally. I love when memories, ideas or feelings are written down and preserved. Reading that verse lifted my spirits entirely. God is good. At my lowest points of my life He knows exactly what I need to hear to lift myself up. I need to rely on Him more in my life and i pray for preserverance to endure all the work I have to do. As a side note  I think I might just deactivate my Facebook for the week 🙂

Forever Yours,


P.S. Please comment, rate, like or anything. I’d be extremely appreciative!